• Peng Hongxing
  • Sex: Male
  • Dept: Finance
  • Title: Associate Professor
  • Email:red123star@163.com

Peng Hongxing, who is from Province Shandong, and he has been the Lecturer in BTBU since Sept. 2015. He achieved his Ph.D. in Accounting from CUFE in 2015. He did academic research in Sidhu Business School between Sept. 2013 and Mar. 2014. Now his tutorials include Financial Statement Analysis and Financial Management. His academic studies mainly shed light on the relationship between government and enterprises, enterprise technological innovation and so forth. Dr. Peng’s several papers have been published in Forecasting, IJEFMS etc. As a Ph.D. candidate, he was once in charge of one key item (supported by CUFE) and participated in several other academic research projects supported by the Chinese Government (NNSFC & HSSUF).