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Institute of Service Industry Development and Digitalization Held the Young Scholars Forum

Release time: 2022-04-22

    On the afternoonof April 14, 2022, Institute of Service Industry Development and Digitalization of Business School held an online forum on academic research. Qian Si, PhD from the Department of Human Resources Management was invited to give a report themed on courage to Be Rejected: How Leaders’ Failure to Adopt Suggestions Affects Employees’ Follow-up Suggestions. The forum was hosted by Professor Deng Chunping, associate dean of Institute of Service Industry Development and Digitalization and head of the Department of Business Management. More than 30 teachers and graduate students from the Graduate School and the Business Management subject participated in it.

    Concentrated on the research background, research approaches and research contents, Dr. Qian Si, illustrated her two academic findings in detail, namely, psychological mechanism of action when employees’ voice is rejected from the perspective of leaders and its impacts on employees’ subsequent voicebehaviors.

    Dr. Qian Sianswered questions on related topics and interacted with the participants after her sharing. Her main research interests include entrepreneurial teams, employee voice, etc. She has published many papers in the Journal of Management Science, Chinese Journal of Management, Current Psychology, etc., and some papers have been reprinted by the full text in the information center for social science of the Renmin University of China. Her papers have also been accepted by many domestic and international high-level academic conferences, including AOM, and IACMR.