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Business School Holds a Lecture Entitled “The Analysis of Local Government Debt and Management Control in China”

Writer: Updated: 2017-05-22 Times Read:

     The lecture was held to help MPAcc majors of the Business School gain a deeper understanding by analyzing the local government debt and debt management control in China. On the afternoon of May 17, the MPAcc Center of BTBU’s Business School invited Mr. Hu to give a lecture entitled “The Analysis of Local Government Debt and Management Control in China” Mr. Hu has done in-depth research and possessed rich experience in local government finance and investment as well as financing activities in related areas.

    The lecture was presided over by Liu Ting, Executive Director of MPAcc Center. She first introduced Mr. Hu to the students in attendance, then emphasized the importance of graduate students actively participating in activities held by the school. She believed that if students were to listen carefully and take notes, it would allow them to prosper.