• Wang Yong
  • Sex: Male
  • Dept: Marketing
  • Title: Associate Professor
  • Email:rucwy@sohu.com

Wang Yong (1982, PHD) is an associate professor of marketing in Business School of BTBU and graduated from Business School of Renmin University of China, majored in industrial economics. His academic interest lies in the internationalization of retailers and private brand management of retailers. The courses he taught include the marketing management, marketing research and consumer behavior analysis. He has participated in a number of projects funded by the National Social Science Fund and Beijing Social Science Fund. The representative works include "The Comparison of the Big Retailers’ Pattern of Choosing the Foreign Market", "journal of Renmin University of China, 2008.3; "The Research on Big Retailers’ Initial Internationalization", Journal of China Soft Science, 2009.1; "Analysis on the Quality of Listed Retailer’s Social Responsibility Information Disclosure and Its Influencing Factors", Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University "2012.3.